Category : Crop Protection Product group : Fungicides

Formulation : Wettable Powder (WP)

Active Ingredient: 4.2% Cymoxanil + 39.75% Copper Oxychloride Equivalent to Metallic Copper

Packaging : 800 gr


It is protective and therapeutic, has contact and local systemic effects and prevents sporulation.

Method Of Application

Vineyard mildew: The first application should be started when the shoots reach 25-30 cm. Second and subsequent sprayings: Apply with 10-15 day intervals, taking into account the duration of the first drug, the development status of the disease, and meteorological factors.

Mildew in tomato: Spraying should be started when brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm are noticed on tomato leaves, with a white ash-like conidiospore layer on the lower surface. Spraying is repeated at 10-12 day intervals as long as weather conditions continue being suitable for disease.

Tomato early leaf blight: The application should be started as soon as the first spots are seen, both in the seedling and in the field. When the climatic conditions are suitable for the development of the disease, the application should be repeated depending on the effect time of the drug.

Potato downy mildew: When climatic conditions such as high humidity occur for disease emergence or when the first signs of disease are seen in the environment, spraying is started and spraying is repeated at 10-day intervals depending on the severity of the disease.

Watermelon alternaria leaf blight: Chemical spraying is applied in the form of green parts spraying. Spraying should be started when the first symptoms are seen in the environment. Taking into account the severity of the disease, climatic conditions and the effectiveness of the drug, spraying is continued at 10-12 day intervals.

Compatibility: Can be mixed with many pesticides except for those that are highly acidic or alkaline, such as lime or Bordeaux mixture. However, physical compatibility should still be checked before a large-scale mixture preparation and safety of the mixture for the plant should be tested using a small amount..


Detailed Table Information

Potatoes Mildew (Phythophthora infestans) 200 g / 100 l water 7 day
Watermelon Alternaria leaf blight (Alternaria cucumerina) 200 g / 100 l water 28 day
Tomato Mildew(Phythophthora infestans) 200 g / 100 l water 7 day
Tomato early leaf blight (Alternaria solani) 200 g / 100 l water 7 day
Bond* Mildew(Plasmopara viticola) 200 g / 100 l water 21 day